eTail France English 2015 (past event)

03 - 04 November, 2015

Contact Us: 44 (0)20 7368 9576

Day 1- Prospering in a Digital World

08:30 - 09:10 Conference Registration & Networking Breakfast

09:10 - 09:25 Chairperson Opening Remarks

Eric Fuchs, Non Food Online & Multichannel Bizdev Director at Carrefour

Eric Fuchs

Non Food Online & Multichannel Bizdev Director

(Translated from French to English)

As French eCommerce is set to tip 60 billion, the face of retail is changing. Our industry titans will kick start eTail France with this interactive panel, sparking debate, igniting inspiration, and tackling some hard truths.

  • How can you think differently about your retail business? Where do your strengths lie? What about your weaknesses?
  • Back to the drawing board: With a blank canvas approach, how can you redesign these elements of your business to redefine customer engagement and pleasure to drive the profitability of your eCommerce strategy?
    • Customer relationships
    • Email relationships
    • The store
    • Website
    • Apps
    • Co-conception
  • Crafting new experiences – Engaging your teams to have a customer centric mind set at all times
  • Finding the delicate balance between commercial pressure vs. keeping your customers engaged: The sanity check
Eric Fuchs, Non Food Online & Multichannel Bizdev Director at Carrefour

Eric Fuchs

Non Food Online & Multichannel Bizdev Director

Jacques Lorne, Directeur Général at Quotatis Groupe (Leroy Merlin Group)

Jacques Lorne

Directeur Général
Quotatis Groupe (Leroy Merlin Group)

Nicolas Ferrary, Managing Director France at Airbnb

Nicolas Ferrary

Managing Director France

Romain Fau, Country Manager France & Benelux at BlaBlaCar

Romain Fau

Country Manager France & Benelux

Roland Koltchakian, Sales Development Manager at Oracle

Roland Koltchakian

Sales Development Manager

10:10 - 10:30 CASE STUDY – Mobile-Minded: The Small Screen Isn't So Small

(Translated from French to English)

In response, to the demands and transformation of multichannel retailing, eBusiness professionals must transform how they market, transact, serve, deliver and organise around changing customer experiences. These changes are not an incremental evolution, they are a metamorphosis. eBusiness leaders will optimise their people, processes, and technology to serve today's empowered, everconnected customers across a rapidly evolving set of customer touchpoints. Attend this session to discover from Mickaël Soleau the successes, challenges and the future multichannel opportunities for Printemps – a 150 year old brand. His detailed and honest insights of this transformation will provide for an exciting and informative session.

  • How to bring digital relevancy to a legacy company
  • Changing cultural mind set - Empowering your staff to embrace digital change
  • What advice can today’s retailers take from this ever evolving multichannel giant?
  • The update: How has their eCommerce strategy developed 2 years on? And what are the plans for the next 2 years of digitalisation?
Grégorie Gimaret, Retail Head at Facebook France

Grégorie Gimaret

Retail Head
Facebook France

10:30 - 10:50 CASE STUDY - Customer Service - Make or Buy?

(Not translated)
  • How to dissolve the disconnect between your business and your client services
  • What are the proven benefits of utilising the knowledge of your client service team – How does this drive sales and retention?
  • Determining where social media fits between your marketing and client services teams to provide the best experience for your customers (Prospect & Existing)
  • Insight into client case studies that demonstrate excellence
Peter Kloibhofer, Customer Relations Management at Competence Call Centre

Peter Kloibhofer

Customer Relations Management
Competence Call Centre

10:50 - 11:40 Morning Networking Break with Delicious Refreshments

Transforming Online & Offline Collaboration- Chair: Maxime Taieb

11:40 - 12:20 CASE STUDY REVOLUTION – Great people doing great things: How to establish a high performing digital team that fosters an innovative culture

(Translated from French to English

  • Encouraging buy-in and entrepreneurial spirit to boost innovation across departments
  • The team talk: What can be applied offline from online?
  • How can mobile data and patterns of consumption provide insight for your store merchandising team?
  • What digital capabilities can be deployed in store to empower your store staff with the knowledge to drive in-store conversion?
Maxime Taieb, Head of eCommerce Methods, Solutions and Innovation at Carrefour

Maxime Taieb

Head of eCommerce Methods, Solutions and Innovation

Boosting Profit & Customer Satisfaction Through Seamless Multichannel Retail- Chair: Terry von Bibra

11:40 - 12:20 CASE STUDY REVOLUTION - How the 4 key pillars of omnichannel retail impact your value proposition
(Not translated)
  • What trends should you capitalise on to exceed customer expectations?
  • How to identify your customers different missions and their correlating behaviours across device
  • How can you adapt your current multichannel offering to better support your customer’s missions?
  • Industry inspiration: Examples of excellence to feed your imagination
Terry Freiherr von Bibra, Chief Retail Officer Omni-channel at Karstadt

Terry Freiherr von Bibra

Chief Retail Officer Omni-channel

Interactive Track

11:40 - 12:20 SPOTLIGHT ON LEADERSHIP - Breaking down cultural silos and re-defining your organisational structure to excel as a digital business

(Not translated)

As French retail is evolving, so must their internal operations – an area that is often fractious due to cultural silos and current processes. Tackling the perspectives of both pureplayer and bricks and clicks retailers, this senior boardroom provides senior executives to work together to determine

  • Benchmarking current organisational structures
  • Looking to the future: How are participants re-designing their business to exceed omnichannel expectations?
  • Recruiting and retaining the best digital talent to survive in a multichannel world
  • Strategising tactics for smooth internal communication and attaining cross-function KPIs
François Goujon, Director eCommerce at Conrad Electronics

François Goujon

Director eCommerce
Conrad Electronics

Étienne Bourdon, Chief Digital Officer at APRIL

Étienne Bourdon

Chief Digital Officer

Stream A

12:20 - 13:10 CASE STUDY REVOLUTION - How to maximise the retention of your cross-channel loyalty programme

(Translated from French to English)

Defining what structure makes a successful loyalty programme Discover tactics that use the power of personalisation to boost the success of your retention campaign Delve into the technology ecosystem to bring a digital element to loyalty programmes i.e. apps or ibeacons How the can numbers highlight how you should tackle your retention plan to create raving fans
Neil Insdorf, B2C Director at CeWe Color

Neil Insdorf

B2C Director
CeWe Color

Stream B

12:20 - 13:10 360⁰ PERSPECTIVE PANEL- Multichannel Retailing: It’s not cheap and it’s not easy, but what quick wins can you accomplish to delight your customer?

(Not translated)

The gap is getting smaller and smaller between pureplay and bricks and mortar; each are beginning to imitate the strengths of the other. Despite its complexity retailers are investing time and resource in an omnichannel experience to deliver customers expectations and consequently boost brand loyalty and sales. Attend this session to access:

  • Operational excellence: Success stories from 3 interesting multichannel retailers
  • Obtain tried and tested methods from our expert panellists to:
    - Eliminate investment objections
    - Overcome platform integration challenges
    - Strengthen your delivery promise
    - Track your customers across devices
    - Maximise conversion at POS
  • Ultimately, bridge the disconnect between the online and offline experience to provide a connected service to your customers

Leif Bode Neilsen, Omni-Channel Specialist – EMEA, eCommerce at LEGO

Leif Bode Neilsen

Omni-Channel Specialist – EMEA, eCommerce

Eymard de Charry, Head of Multichannel & Digital at Groupama Group

Eymard de Charry

Head of Multichannel & Digital
Groupama Group

Sylvain Rouget, Responsable E-Commerce at Grosfillex

Sylvain Rouget

Responsable E-Commerce

Ruben Meulenhoff, Head of EU Sales at wnDirect

Ruben Meulenhoff

Head of EU Sales

Stream C

12:20 - 13:10 DRILL-DOWN ROUNDTABLE - The arrival of Premium formats in Programmatic: what opportunities for the Advertisers?

(Not translated)

Romain Parent, Chief Network Officer at Sublime Skinz

Romain Parent

Chief Network Officer
Sublime Skinz

13:10 - 14:40 Networking Lunch – Feed your brain and your contact book!

The Personalisation Spectrum

14:40 - 15:00 CASE STUDY – How to tackle personalisation at every customer touch point: What’s possible?
(Translated from French to English)

  • Selection of use cases that demonstrate inspired personalised touches
  • Where is the balance between personalised engagement and invading your customer’s privacy? Can you over-personalise to the detriment of content?
  • Making social a coherent part of your overall marketing strategy
  • Does personalisation have better success in particular markets? Is there market bias dependant on customer type?
François Goujon, Director eCommerce at Conrad Electronics

François Goujon

Director eCommerce
Conrad Electronics

Actionable Analytics

14:40 - 15:00 CASE STUDY - How to accelerate your marketing activities and improve campaign performance
(Not translated)

  • Technical challenges: How to integrate your management systems and multichannel control whilst receiving actionable insight through a single dashboard
  • Financial challenges: How to quickly demonstrate short term ROI as well as maximisation of customer value over time
  • Operational challenges: How to make anonymised data work for you, as well as increasing your efficiency of analysing your ever increasing rich data
  • Security challenges: How to protect your data against hacking and technical failures
Antoine Gay, Sales Manager at TagCommander

Antoine Gay

Sales Manager

Interactive Track

14:40 - 15:00 DRILL DOWN ROUNDTABLE- Overcoming eCommerce logistic challenges in new regions
(Not translated)
  • Identifying the delivery expectations in your new market
  • Simple steps to reduce the cost of your international fulfilment: Do you need to relocate your warehouse? Would an OMS-Platform streamline your operation?
  • Should you offer free delivery? If not, how can manage expectations and increase the satisfaction of your prospect customers? Is your offer adding value?
  • How can you compete with multichannel services such as click and collect? What partnerships can you initiate to support a more multichannel appearance to your international offer?
Ruben Meulenhoff, Head of EU Sales at wnDirect

Ruben Meulenhoff

Head of EU Sales

Stream A

15:00 - 15:40 CASE STUDY – Beyond product recommendations: Combining segmentation with social and content to create a rich, personalised, experience
(Not translated)
  • Developing a segmentation strategy that focuses on improving customer retention, loyalty, and lifetime value across all levels of the customer base
  • Learning to listen through the noise: What are your customers actually saying and what can you do about it?
  • Understanding the demographic, preferences and intent of each unique visitor
  • Targeting customers with personalised recommendations and rich content across the mobile channel
Giovanni Tavani, Global Social Media, Sr. Manager at Dell

Giovanni Tavani

Global Social Media, Sr. Manager

Stream B

15:00 - 15:40 CASE STUDY REVOLUTION – Closing the gap between advertising and marketing with technology
(Not translated)

  • What are MarTech (Marketing Technology) and AdTech (Advertising Technology)?
  • Customer relationship is becoming more and more complex with the multiplication of media channels and marketing strategies
  • MediaMath’s vision on the advantages of this merge
  • Case studies and benefits for retailers
Romain Gauthier, Commercial Director for France at MediaMath

Romain Gauthier

Commercial Director for France

Stream C

15:00 - 15:40 Stream C continued

Stream A

15:40 - 16:20 CASE STUDY REVOLUTION - How to increase customer engagement and loyalty through the use of digital coupons
(Translated from French to English)

  • Insight into consumer behavior and how to engage them with your brand
  • How has digital couponing developed to ensure relevancy?
  • Top tips to increase customer engagement with context relevant messaging
  • How to tie up your online and offline customer behaviour
Anne-Marie Schwab, VP and General Manager at RetailMeNot

Anne-Marie Schwab

VP and General Manager

Arnaud Guedj, Online Sales Manager South Region at Lenovo

Arnaud Guedj

Online Sales Manager South Region

Stream B

15:40 - 16:20 Stream B continued

Stream C

15:40 - 16:20 SPOTLIGHT ON LEADERSHIP – Analysis paralysis? How to leverage data to make better decisions, faster
(Not translated)
  • Your on page experience
  • The content offered by your website
  • Your off page marketing (SEO, SEM, price comparison, affiliate networks, market places)
  • How to get a full view of your disparate data sources
Dirk Bartles, Chief Product Officer at Idealo Internet

Dirk Bartles

Chief Product Officer
Idealo Internet

16:20 - 16:50 Afternoon Networking Break with Delicious Refreshments

Gaining Perspective on Digital Innovation

16:50 - 17:10 CASE STUDY - A breath of fresh air: Innovation, disruption, and agility. Lessons learned from a brick & mortar fashion retailer digitalising and taking the globe by storm
(Translated from French to English)

  • Overcoming the fear of testing and failing fast
  • How can retail adapt to the plethora of new tech available?
  • How AB testing will save you money on your innovation trials as well as your marketing campaigns
  • Insight into the start-up that is gaining traction, fast!
Rodolphe Even, CIO at Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot (Groupe SMCP)

Rodolphe Even

Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot (Groupe SMCP)

Gaining Perspective on Digital Innovation

16:50 - 17:10 CHAMPAGNE VIP BOARDROOM – Growth strategies: Forecasting growth in todays French eCommerce market

(Not translated)

Meet with other Digital Directors to explore partnerships, recommend technology solutions, and tackle challenges

Stream A

17:10 - 17:30 Is there a role for brick-and-mortar stores in an eCommerce era? Lessons learned from THE INSPIRATION STORE, powered by eBay, PayPal and METRO GROUP
    (Not translated)

  • Identifying the drivers behind the modern retailer and customer
  • What does the store of the future look like?
  • Insight into the latest store innovation from eBay, PayPal, and METRO GROUP
  • Lessons learned from their exploration of brick-and-mortar
Dr. Oliver Breiden, Program Office at METRO PROPERTIES

Dr. Oliver Breiden

Program Office

Stream B

17:10 - 17:30 Stream B continued

17:30 - 17:40 Chairpersons closing remarks

Maxime Taieb, Head of eCommerce Methods, Solutions and Innovation at Carrefour

Maxime Taieb

Head of eCommerce Methods, Solutions and Innovation

17:40 - 23:59 eTail Party: Join us for drinks, canapes, competitions and much more.....